Electricity and Gas
In regions where there is no choice of electricity or gas retailer, customers can connect with applicable retailers on the approved state government standard tariff.
In other regions, customers are free to negotiate supply arrangements with a number of tier one retailers, as well as having access to a state government approved standard tariff.
Customers should be aware that energy costs are influenced by a number of factors, including:
- Location
- Building energy efficiency
- Type of metering
- Usage pattern, and
- Time of year
Fast Connect believe that researching the best energy market offerings should only be done after a period of occupancy, and having received energy bills at your new address.
Fast Connect therefore only set up energy accounts with retailers which include:
- Pricing at the equivalent of the current standard state government approved tariff.
- No fixed term or supply lock-in arrangements.
- No exit or early termination fees.
- No security bond for Fast Connect customers.
Telephone, Broadband and Pay-TV
Fast Connect can save you time and take the hassle out of moving by managing your existing service relocations or connecting new Phone, Internet or Entertainment options on the latest Telstra bundles. We can even assist with mobile broadband for internet on the go. See the range of great plans on offer here.
Where water usage accounts are required for tenants (in VIC and NT), water usage accounts can be arranged through Fast Connect.
Electricity and Gas
Fast Connect can arrange energy disconnections and account closures with all tier one energy retailers throughout Australia.
Telephone, Broadband and Pay-TV
Disconnections and account closures of existing Telstra fixed line phones, Broadband (ADSL, Cable & NBN), Telstra TV and Foxtel from Telstra can be arranged through Fast Connect.
Where required for tenants (in VIC and NT), all water account closures can be arranged through Fast Connect.